Soon, We May Be Like Wolverine and Be Able to Heal Ourselves

Soon, We May Be Like Wolverine and Be Able to Heal Ourselves

All hail Chao Wang, a scientist who is part of the team working on material with properties similar to Wolverine’s self-healing powers.

The material is a new type of ionic conductor, and while it has many other properties, it’s self-healing ability is what makes our ears perk up.

Self-healing materials have been the subject of many a study over the decades. Scientists have been fascinated with the topic – and so have we. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be like Wolverine?

In fact, this new ionic conductor is partially inspired by one of our favorite mutants. Chao Wang himself has been a Wolverine fan all his life, so it’s but fitting that he is part of this research team.

self-healing material


Wang explains that the material can stretch and self-heal, while his fellow researcher Christopher Keplinger adds that the material can be used in artificial muscles. Getting closer and closer to Wolverine, aren’t we?

The self-healing material can stretch up to 50 times its original length – maybe Plastic Man or Elasti-Girl? – and it can heal within 24 hours. Not quite as fast as Wolverine can heal, but hey, it’s better than having to find a doctor who will stitch you up without the authorities knowing, right?

There’s another thing worth noting, however. Wang is not merely interested in the application of his research to humans. In fact, he wants to apply the skin to robots…Cylons?

Whether that concerns you or not, we can’t deny that this is an exciting development. These are the moments we really love science.
