10 Geekgasmic Clocks You’ll Want on Your Walls

10 Geekgasmic Clocks You’ll Want on Your Walls

I don’t know about you, but I am stickler for time. Many geeks (or nerds) I know feel the same way. It is probably a combination of personality and nurture, but whatever the case may be, every geek needs a clock on his wall to tell the time. Else, he just might go nuts. (Let’s forget for a second that he probably has a wristwatch and/or a smartphone which can tell him the time anyway.)

Since my wall clock just conked out on me this week, I thought I’d put together a list of 10 geek clocks that will give you a geekgasm. 100% guaranteed.

Space Invaders Wall Clock

geek clocks
If you don’t think Space Invaders is one of the the best game ever, then you have to re-think your priorities. This Space Invaders Wall Clock is the perfect thing to see every time you need to know what time it is. You can get this from our very own shop for only $44.99 – and you get to donate 10% of the amount to The Martin Sickle Cell Center as well!

Here’s a bonus: play Space Invaders here.

The Definition of Pi Clock

geek clocks
What’s geekier than having a clock that gives you the mathematical definition of pi? Even better, you have the option to customize this clock via Zazzle. Prices depend on size and customization, but a large one will cost you $28.95.

Star Wars Clock

geek clocks
The Force will certainly be with you if you have this clock up on your wall; at least it can make sure you’re not late for whatever you’re up to. Get it here for $99.99.

Star Trek Clock

Star Trek Clock
Where there’s Star Wars, there’s bound to be Star Trek in there somewhere. Yup, I’m biased, but you can’t deny that this baby looks so good! Any self-respecting Star Trek fan ought to have at least one of these geek clocks. It’s pricier at $129.99, but I’m sure it’s worth it.

Doctor Who Clock

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What’s a geek clocks list without Time Lords in it? It’s a pity this was made before the 12th appears, but hey, it’s still the best clock a Whovian can have. Get your timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly stuff on for $24.99.

Pixel Clock

Let’s simplify things for a bit and take a look at this pixel clock. Nothing more needs to be said.

Science Quiz Wall Clock

Since we just oversimplified things earlier, let’s up the ante. Get this clock if:
A) You’re a science whiz;
B) You’re a sucker for punishment;
C) You’re a sadist who will ask everyone who visits you to tell the time using this clock.

LED Binary Clock

There are only two kinds of people in this world…

If you can finish that sentence correctly, then this LED Binary Clock is for you. Get it here.

Periodic Table Clock

geek clocks
17 inches (diameter) of Periodic Table goodness in a clock. How geekgasmic is that? Seriously. Available here.

Unicorn Clock

Unicorn. Did I already say unicorn? Get it here.