A Dragon Walks Into a Bar

A Dragon Walks Into a Bar

So, a dragon walks into a bar…

What can go wrong? Let us count the ways…Better, though, is to count the ways that could turn into the funnest things. And that’s what the book A Dragon Walks Into a Bar promises to give us.

The book is, as you may have surmised, a pun-filled tome for the RPG lover. The perfect item to add to your collection or to gift to your fellow gamers. Even better, a great way to convert your non-RPG friends.

I already fell for the title alone, but this sneak peek at what’s inside clinched the deal.

Why don’t dragons like to eat paladins?
They taste lawful.

Isn’t that just punny?

The creation of Jef Aldrich and Jon Taylor (check out their podcast), A Dragon Walks Into a Bar will delight RPG lovers who enjoy a good pun, funny anecdotes, jokes, and more.

Understandably, the jokes may fall flat if the reader doesn’t know much about Dungeons & Dragons (though there are references to other games), but the authors were kind enough to add explanations to some of the jokes. As I said, a perfect way to introduce the RPG life to your non-believing friends.

A Dragon Walks Into a Bar is available for only $14.99!

Here’s one more for the road:

Did you hear about the gathering of the barbarians?
It was a real rager.

Okay, some of your friends may change their opinion of you (and not in the good way) after you inundate them with a barrage of jokes from the book, but hey, their loss?

Another book to check out: Anime Architecture Collector’s Edition