The Batman and Prince Connection

tim burton batman

The Batman and Prince Connection

tim burton batman

The internet exploded when news of Prince’s death hit the headlines, and until now, speculations about the details of his passing are making the rounds. Tributes have been – and are being – made. Attention to his work is at an all time high.

But, do you remember the Batman and Prince connection?

If 1989’s Batman is your favorite, then you have been thinking about this connection in the past days. In fact, now that I think about it, it wouldn’t be a surprise if a lot of you state that Tim Burton’s Batman is the best.

Two words: Jack Nicholson.

Another two words: Michael Keaton.

Brilliant cast and director aside, the soundtrack of the movie is one that will never be forgotten as well. And, yes, it was Prince’s songs.

Related: Game Over. This Guy Just Cosplayed the Heck Out of Batman.

The story is that Warner wasn’t too sure about the film’s success. It may be difficult to imagine today, but comic books as movies were not big back in the day. So, in order to increase the chances of making a hit movie, Warner asked Prince to make the soundtrack – on top of the already stellar cast.

Word is that Prince did not exactly volunteer for the job, but he was contractually obligated to do what Warner was asking him to do.

It may seem a$$holey of Warner to do that (surprise, surprise), but thank goodness they did, for the 1989 Batman Prince songs have helped make Batman movies into what they are today – not that the movie wasn’t a hit on its own.

Now, your memory should have been jogged and you should be hearing Batdance in your head. No? Watch this.