Classic Tables Soon to Leave The Pinball Arcade

Classic Tables Soon to Leave The Pinball Arcade

The Pinball Arcade

…so get them while you can!

The Pinball Arcade announced yesterday that their partnership with Williams and Bally, classic pinball table manufacturers, is ending on June 30. This means that a host of classic tables are not going to be available on the platform after. With Williams and Bally making up the core of The Pinball Arcade’s collection of tables, this turn of events does not bode well for the platform. The good news is that players who already have the tables will not be losing them, but new players won’t be able to purchase the tables anymore.

The Pinball Arcade’s official announcement:

The Pinball Arcade is a downloadable platform that recreates the most beloved pinball machines ever created. The recreations are stunningly accurate and detailed, with every “flipper, bumper, sound effect, and display pixel has been painstakingly emulated.”

Of course, the simulator cannot fully replace the feel of a physical table, but if you don’t have the cash to get the real deal, then the games will (more than) do.

Even better, the games are compatible with practically any device including the iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire, and Android phones and tablets, not to mention the PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One, and Mac.