Don’t Miss Out on Movie Cliches the Card Game

Don’t Miss Out on Movie Cliches the Card Game

When card games and movies come together, nothing can go wrong. Except maybe if there’s a tiny bit of a competitive streak in the players. If you’re curious, then Movie Cliches the Card Game is right up your alley.

There’s nothing like being able to come up with a line from a movie when you’re in the middle of an argument. Or when you’re socializing and you don’t know what to say. Movies are god’s gift to the socially awkward.

But movie cliches are a totally different thing. They can be the ultimate ice breaker, and it can be tons of fun.

Movie Cliches the Card Game has taken some of the most famous (or infamous) lines – over 200 of them – and created something that might just become a staple on game night.

How does it go?

Believe it or not, you can do whatever you want. As long as you have the cards in the mix. The makers do give some ideas on what to do with the cards – aside from merely reading them and laughing.

You can play Movie Cliche Bingo.

You can also simply play Name the Movie.

If you want in, though, you have to be quick about it. The card game’s currently a Kickstarter campaign (already funded), and it will end within the day. Fund it now!