These Posters of Every Death in Game of Thrones Are Amazing

These Posters of Every Death in Game of Thrones Are Amazing

game of thrones deaths featured image

The season 6 finale of Game of Thrones killed it – killed us, too. I wasn’t able to watch it till about a week after it aired (yeah, I suck), but I knew that it was something else, thanks to the internet; and when I did finally see it, the reactions I saw online didn’t do the episode justice.

From tears to goosebumps to “The Starks are back, b#tches!”…I am watching it several more times for sure.

Anyhow, looking at the overall picture, no one will argue that Game of Thrones is all about death. Okay, maybe not all, but pretty close to it. I’m sure that you also wonder who’s going to die every episode.

No one wants to talk about death all the time (at least that’s what I think), there’s no avoiding it if you’re a Game of Thrones fan! The weird part is that the deaths, as gruesome as most as, evoke emotions like awe, appreciation, and of course, a sense of vengeance.

Some people have a particular fascination for the Game of Thrones deaths, and they’ve made an awesome collection of artwork out of it.

Website Beautiful Death is the official episode-by-episode guide to the iconic deaths in the realm. You don’t have to wrack your brains as to who died when, by whose hands, and how. Just visit the site and you’ll be treated to gorgeous artwork depicting those deaths. And even if there are no explicit labels about the victim and the killer, you’ll know. Trust me. You’ll know.


Game of Thrones deaths

Click on each image to see the full size and identify the scenes and characters involved.

Didn’t I tell you they are astounding? Which one is your favorite?

For more beautiful deaths, go here. If you have a beautiful death you want to share, visit this page.

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