Maintain a Safe Zone With This Wall-Mounted Non-Contact Thermometer

ThermScan Wall-Mounted Non-Contact Thermometer

Maintain a Safe Zone With This Wall-Mounted Non-Contact Thermometer

With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to disrupt our daily lives, we can only make efforts to adjust to the situation. The new normal is not a mere buzzword, but it is our reality. By now, the chances are you have at least a couple of reusable face masks in your wardrobe, not to mention the disposable ones. But, taking one step further to ensure that you have a safe zone at home or in your office, you will want to consider getting this Wall-Mounted Non-Contact Thermometer.

Much like face masks, non-contact thermometers are now part of our lives. Go to the grocery store or some other public institution and the chances are you will be subjected to a temperature “test”.

Of course, the best thing to do is still stay at home but we all know this is not possible for everyone. And, if you have to accept visitors to your own premises – home or office – then you need to do all that you can to ensure that you are creating a safe zone.

This Wall-Mounted Non-Contact Thermometer will help you do just that.

You don’t need a person to man the entrance and scan people’s temperatures with this device. All you need is a tripod or a wall to mount it on, and it will do all the work for you. It will automatically scan individuals and determine their temperature within a second. Anyone entering the premises need only to place their forehead within 1.96″ to 3.93″ from the sensor.

It also has got a large digital display so you can easily see the temperature.

To make things even more secure, the thermometer will give off an audio alarm if it detects a temperature higher than 99 degrees Fahrenheit.

Help ensure everyone’s safety. Get this Wall-Mounted Non-Contact Thermometer.

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