Million Mile Light: Motion-powered Safety Light for Runners

million mile light

Million Mile Light: Motion-powered Safety Light for Runners

million mile light

Let’s admit it, running and/or jogging is here to stay. While there was a point when running marathons and training for them was the thing – you were totally cool if you did that – and it seemed that running was a mere fad, the increasing awareness of the need to keep fit is sure to make running a mainstay in many people’s lives.

But not everyone has the luxury of being able to run early in the morning when there is still light. Not everyone has the chance to run at a designated area for runners and joggers when there is no danger of getting hit by a vehicle. Hence the need for products that make runners visible in the dark.

And that’s what the Million Mile Light does.

What’s so special about this product that we’re even talking about it? There are so many safety lights – not to mention clothing and other accessories – out there.

The main thing is that the Million Mile Light practically has an endless supply of energy that makes sure your safety light never runs out of power – as long as you keep moving. The creators haven’t really divulged what magic they’ve done, so it’s up to you to figure out the science behind this. (Not to hard?)

It’s “no bigger than a pack of gum and only 36g in weight it simply attaches to the waistband provided. Visible from over 200m and weather proof for all seasons, it won’t let you down. For optimum visibility use one on your front and one on your back.

If you’re a dawn/dusk runner, then you’ll also geek out at this cool piece of engineering.

Learn more about the Million Mile Light.