Scary Board Games to Play This Halloween

Scary Board Games to Play This Halloween

Not doing a huge Halloween blowout this year? Maybe a night of scary board games is just what you need.

It’s always fun to watch horror movies, but playing scary board games offer a new dimension. The good ones make you feel like you’re in a horror movie and with the combination of an active imagination, the experience can go beyond what you have in the theater.

This Halloween – and beyond – check out these scary board games.

Betrayal at House on the Hill

scary board games

A haunted mansion up on a hill. Creaky floorboards and stair steps. Characters eventually turning on each other. Betrayal. Need we say more?

Betrayal at House on the Hill is rated for ages 12 and above. It’s designed for 3 to 6 players.

Eldritch Horror

scary board games

This board game has been around since 2013 and has become a favorite. It’s rated for ages 14 and above. There can be up to 8 players, though 4 is the best number. Designed by Corey Konieczka and Nikki Valens, Eldritch Horror is a classic “save the world from an evil power”. Players take on the role of investigators who will encounter monsters and mysteries that will spook the bravest soul.

One Night Ultimate Werewolf

scary board games

If you like it fast and intense, then One Night Ultimate Werewolf is the way to go. There is no elimination and each game lasts for 10 minutes. Each player takes on a role (Werewolf, Seer, Troublemaker, or another), each with special abilities. The goal is to figure out who the Werewolf is overnight (in game terms).

The game is rated for ages 8 and up and can be played by 3 to 10 people.