Take a LEGO Train Journey Through the Forest

lego train journey

Take a LEGO Train Journey Through the Forest

Being one with nature is what everyone needs these days, but some of us are not so lucky as to have access to greenery. If you’re like me, my jungle is concrete and steel – and I rarely get to venture out these days. Not only is it not really safe, but it also is a hassle. Thanks to YouTuber TinyTrainTrack, though, we can all enjoy a LEGO train journey through the forest.

It may be a virtual journey, but combine the elements of LEGO and a tiny train…we’re sold!

We have no doubt that Doctor Sheldon Cooper would give this a thumbs up. He’s probably the most intense train fan ever, after all. Add to that the fact that this LEGO train journey takes you through a Canadian forest welcoming spring.

The video shared by TinyTrainTrack is taken using a GoPro and starts off with a tiny yellow, gray (or is that blue???), and black train chugging along its just as tiny rails.

The train tracks are not boring, either, as they twist and turn through the forest floor. It even comes with a railroad switch (that mechanism where trains can change tracks). It does have a plot twist somewhere along the line, so watch out for it.

Enjoy the ride!