This Is Not Your Mom’s Nutcracker

This Is Not Your Mom’s Nutcracker

Nutcrackers are a well-loved fixture of every home, especially when Christmas comes around. The more powerful the nutcracker, the better. But, we’re willing to bet you have never seen such a one as this.

This beast of a nutcracker may or may not work with your favorite nut. In fact, the chances are it will exterminate your walnuts faster than a Dalek can exclaim “Exterminate!”

That’s because this is souped up like you cannot imagine.

Engineer Shane Wighton has made Christmas explosive with what he calls the most powerful nutcracker out there. He may just be correct in making that claim as his creation has about 80,000 Gs of power! That means the toughest nut will crumble at its touch. In fact, it can crack a whole different kind of nut. You know, the ones you keep in the garage and not the pantry.

Image by Emilian Robert Vicol from Pixabay

Shane’s baby uses four firearm blanks — at maximum power. Remember the Alec Baldwin incident? Yes, something like that, but hopefully not harmful. In any case, Shane says do not try this at home. Unless you are an engineer, too.

Watch the video below and behold the power of this uber special nutcracker for yourself. As we said, this is not what you would normally see in your mom’s kitchen.

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