Vet Uses LEGO to Help Disabled Tortoise

lego disabled tortoise

Vet Uses LEGO to Help Disabled Tortoise

lego disabled tortoise
You read that right. LEGO, those bricks everyone is fascinated with, has been used for a purpose other than fun and to enhance kids’ motor skills. And making even the mildest person curse like a sailor when he steps on a brick in the middle of the night. Or whatever time of the day for that matter.

This veterinarian in Germany ought to get the Nobel Prize for something for making use of LEGO to help a tortoise with a leg problem.

Disclosure: I am partial to these creatures, and I have a pet turtle named Dexter. While he’s not a tortoise, they’re cousins anyway.

Dr. Carsten Plischke, the vet, has a patient named Blade, who has a growth disorder which makes it difficult for him to walk.

Now, if he were human, it would probably be an ‘easy’ fix. A crutch or prosthetics would deal with the condition.

lego disabled tortoise

But Blade is a tortoise, and there are no crutches or prosthetics for him. So Dr. Carsten Plischke did what he had to do. He went through his son’s LEGO hoard and created a custom-made walker for Blade.

What did I say? Nobel Prize?


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