This is What Kylo Ren’s Bedroom Looks Like in LEGO

Kylo Ren Bedroom LEGO

This is What Kylo Ren’s Bedroom Looks Like in LEGO

LEGO Kylo Ren Bedroom

How does your bedroom look?

Depending on which side you’re on, your color scheme would either be light or dark. 😉

If you’re Kylo Ren, I guess it’s not surprising he’s got both elements – although he does lean toward darker hues. One thing we won’t debate about, I am sure, is that this LEGO Kylo Ren bedroom is awesome.

As in LEGO Movie’s Evan awesome.

We’ve never seen Kylo’s bedroom, but who says it doesn’t look exactly like this? As can be expected, he’s got some Darth Vader love going on. It does go a tad too far, though, doesn’t it? Then again, I am sure there are scores of you who would give an arm and a leg (without Rocket Racoon asking for it, too) to have all those Vader merch in your bedroom.

Here’s the whole LEGO Kylo Ren video.

P.S. Did you notice that Pixar lamp? Is that a hint of some sort of mashup in the future?
