Add Spook to Your Halloween With These Monster Movie Cocktails

Add Spook to Your Halloween With These Monster Movie Cocktails

Halloween drinks

Horror. Candies.

Those are the two words that always come up first when talking about Halloween, one of our favorite holidays. But, if we were to add one more, we’d say “spirits”. Not the spooky kind, bit more like the kind you can drink. You know, to make the festivities more spirited.

If you’re partial to mixed drinks, and you’re planning on throwing a Halloween party, here is the perfect guide – Monster Movie Cocktails.

The guys at Red Candy put together this graphic with some of the best drinks you can find for Halloween. Based on some of the scariest movies (or not) out there.

Here are 7 Monster Movie Cocktails that will scare your socks off. Can you name which movies they are from?

  1. Nightmare Shot
  2. Bad Habit
  3. The Pennywise
  4. Xenomorph
  5. Shadow Monster
  6. The Babadook
  7. Proton Punch

monster movie cocktails
