Borat Visits Night City in Cyberpunk 2077

borat visits night city

Borat Visits Night City in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 was one of the most anticipated games of 2020, if not the most. We all know how that went, though in spite of the clamoring of unsatisfied gamers, one has to admit that the game is still going. In fact, some gamers have expressed semi-satisfaction. Still others have gone and tapped into their creative wells to create delightful crossovers like this one where Borat visits Night City.

Borat needs no introduction to those whose lives are immersed in pop culture, and whether you find him gleeful or distasteful, this crossover video is quite funny.

Cyberpunk’s Night City is no stranger to the wacky, so Borat’s visiting is not that farfetched.

Reddit user ssoxton7 took the Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit by storm when he shared his utterly chaotic and hilarious video.

Borat visits Night City, the video, uses the character from the first movie, overlaying it on the game. Borat is edited to look like a character in Cyberpunk 2077.

Graphic editing, effort, and idea aside, Borat’s lines are what will get you – unless you obviously have no clue about the character and the game.

Hear/watch him say “What type of dog is this?” (Talking about Flathead Spider Bot ) and asking Adam Smasher “Very nice, how much?”

And stick around for the end, which would probably sell if made in real life.

Borat visits Night City (@video_junkiee on IG) from r/cyberpunkgame

Cyberpunk 2077 and its glitches have prompted some gamers to ask for a refund, but the developers have promised to sort things out. With a production this big, it’s likely