Game Time: Cards Against Science

Game Time: Cards Against Science

Cards against science

Who says geeks are anti-social? We may not go to parties a lot, but we do have our own way of getting together and having fun, don’t we?

From playing online multi-player games together in one room to tabletop gaming to simply hanging out for a night (more like days) of a Battlestar Galactica marathon, we know what fun’s all about.

And if you like card games, you probably have played more than your share of Cards Against Humanity. The popular card game for adults is for “horrible” people, with a very simple gameplay. Someone asks a question from the black card they have, and everyone in the group answers with the wittiest answer in their white cards. The more despicable the answer, the better. Or more awkward.

With its popularity came the offshoots, naturally, and one of the latest is Cards Against Science.

Since Cards Against Humanity is under the Creative Commons license allowing for variations but not reselling, Cards Against Science is available for free download – the basic set, at least.

As the name suggests, Cards Against Science will test your science knowledge, or rather, irritate the purists who have no sense of humor.

Here are example suggestions from the community, which will give you a hint of just how much fun this card game can be.

Question cards
When I opened the incubator this morning, I found __________
Newton was led to the discovery of gravity when a __________ him on the head.
The amazing lyrebird can imitate any sound, except that of ___________
We regret to inform you that your investigation into the mating habits of ________ will not be funded.
After I mixed _________ and __________ in the beaker, it resulted in _________.

Answer cards
Mice with tumors on their butts
Watson and Crick slash/fic
Blood-stained lab coat
Astronomers attempting to dance
A Petri dish full of spermatozoa

While there are more than a thousand suggestions already, the guys behind the game are positive that there are more quirky science enthusiasts out there who will have something to contribute…yes, they’re calling your name! So, head over to their site and pitch in.