Keanu Reeves Deepfaked Into Sesame Street and Forrest Gump

Keanu Reeves deepfaked

Keanu Reeves Deepfaked Into Sesame Street and Forrest Gump

Keanu Reeves Deepfaked Into Sesame Street and Forrest Gump.

Because…why not?

Because…we all need more Keanu Reeves in our lives.

And if you think differently, then we might have a problem. 😉

For the uninitiated, deepfake is the use of technology to modify video content. Think of it as Photoshopping on steroids. Deepfaking makes use of AI to change a face (or faces) in videos, making it look like something that never happened actually happened.

The origin of deepfake can be traced back to a Reddit user (deepfakes) who edited the faces of celebrities into porn video clips. He did this using deep learning technology, hence the name we now know.

Relatively new (deepfakes released his videos in 2017), the trend is becoming quite popular, and it is becoming easier to create deepfakes.

So we really shouldn’t be surprised to see Keanu Reeves deepfaked into whatever video. This is the age of Keanu, after all.

Now, if you grew up asking how to get to Sesame Street, be warned. As much as you may adore him, Keanu Reeves deepfaked into a childhood memory may not be such a comfortable experience. You have to watch it, of course, but know that it cannot be unseen.

Don’t close this window just yet. Keep going. We’ve got more Keanu deepfake for you. We promise, it’s worth it.

Without further ado, Keanu Reeves deepfaked into Forrest Gump. Don’t run! Watch!