Nintendo Says to Charge Your Nintendo Switch Every Six Months

charge your nintendo switch

Nintendo Says to Charge Your Nintendo Switch Every Six Months

How often do you charge your Nintendo Switch? We all love this little beauty, for sure, but with all that’s happening our lives and with so many distractions, it is likely that your Switch may need some tender loving care. If you have not picked up your Switch in a while, take note – Nintendo is telling you to charge the device every six months.

The reminder came in the form of a tweet a couple of days ago. The Japanese Nintendo customer support account warned its followers that the built-in battery of the Switch may become unchargeable if left unused for an extended period.

For those of us who can’t read Japanese, here’s the English version:

The battery built into the game console may become unchargeable if it has not been charged or used for too long. Please charge it once every six months.

The built-in battery of the gaming console is lithium-ion, so they do deteriorate. In general, this type of battery does not really benefit from being totally drained out. As such, it is indeed a good idea to charge your Nintendo Switch regularly. While it is probably unlikely that six months will pass by without you playing your favorite game, it is good to know this piece of information.

And while we’re at it, you might want to do a quick inventory of your digital devices. You probably have more lying around unused. Now is a good time to dust them off and plug them in.

Remember, every six months.


Featured Image by joatseu from Pixabay