Protect Yourself Like a Time Lord With These Doctor Who Masks

Protect Yourself Like a Time Lord With These Doctor Who Masks

Face masks are a part of our daily lives, and while I know this is a divisive opinion, I honestly believe that we should continue wearing them when going out. Even more so when attending any gathering. If you believe the same and are a Whovian, here are a couple of Doctor Who masks you might want to have on hand.

Doctor Who Masks

Mens and Womens Face Mask Washable Reusable Adjustable Earloops Windproof Anti-dust 2pc with 4 Filters

doctor who face masks

Made of 100% polyester, these Doctor Who masks are a 2-in-1 pack, so you can rotate their use. Handwash after every use for hygiene. It also has an M-shaped nose clip so you can ensure a snug fit.

Get yours here.

Mens Womens Face Mask 3pc with 6 Filters Reusable, Washable, Windproof

Another set of masks for the Whovian — this one is a 3-pack. The designs are different from the previous item as well, so you have even more choices for your daily needs. It also has an M-shaped nose clip. In addition it has an adjustable buckle, so it fits practically everyone.

Get yours here.

Ewwoe Reusable Face Cover

For a more cartoon-y look, these two masks are the perfect choice. The TARDIS is still there, of course, plus you get the Doctors, the Weeping Angels, and more. Also made of 100% polyester. Furthermore, this pack comes with two replaceable 5-layer activated carbon filters that provide additional protection.

Get yours here.

These are simply fantastic, don’t you think?