Punisher T-Shirts – Skulls For Justice

Punisher T-Shirts – Skulls For Justice

The Punisher has always been close to our hearts, even before the Netflix TV series went on air. There is just something about the anti-hero that touches us on a deeper level, connecting with reality. While he is far from perfect, he shows us that there is nothing black and white about life. And we can’t think of a better time than now to bring a fictional character into our real, daily lives. Creator Gerry Conway believes the same thing, and he has created a line of Punisher t-shirts, called BLM – Skulls For Justice.

These Punisher t-shirts are part of a campaign that Conway has recently launched, in a powerful show of support for the Black Lives Matter movement, at the same time reiterating what the skull symbol stands for.

On his campaign page, where three different designs of the Punisher t-shirts are displayed, Conway says:

For too long, symbols associated with a character I co-created have been co-opted by forces of oppression and to intimidate black Americans. This character and symbol was never intended as a symbol of oppression. This is a symbol of a systematic failure of equal justice. It’s time to claim this symbol for the cause of equal justice and Black Lives Matter.

This is a response to how some have been using the skull symbol to abuse their power. The creator has decided to take a stand and remind everyone what the symbol is all about – definitely not oppression. Quite the opposite, in fact.

The three designs are bada$$ – something the Frank Castle would not hesitate to don himself.

All proceeds from the sales of these t-shirts are going straight to the Black Lives Matter movement. The campaign has 21 days left as of writing, so you still have enough time to get one (or all) of these brilliantly-designed Punisher t-shirts. Not only will you be adding to your geeky t-shirt collection, but you will also be giving to a worthy cause.

Artists involved in the project are Wess Hancock (a handicapped, biracial artist), Demonte Price, and Don Nguyen. Each t-shirt costs $19 and you can add a donation for the cause if you wish.

Frank Castle is counting on you to make a difference in the real world. Get your Skulls For Justice t-shirts here.