When Reddit and 4chan Collide, These WTF T-Shirts Are What We Get

When Reddit and 4chan Collide, These WTF T-Shirts Are What We Get

Reddit and 4chan are not exactly the most politically correct sites out there, and we love them for it. They’re time sinks, for sure, and if you’re not quick on your feet, you’ll also find out how easily others can make you feel stupid.

But that’s not the point. This is all about the forces of Reddit and 4chan coming together and creating so much WTF that your brain might explode – or you might injure your nose from too much snorting (not the sort associated with illegal substances, mind you).

thatshirtwascash.com is what I’m talking about, and I have a pretty strong feeling you’re going to spend some time browsing the site today. Unless your sensibilities are easily offended, in which case you would have shied away from this post at the mere sight of those two web sites.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you will find. Remember, these are WTF t-shirts, so don’t go a-lookin’ if you’re sensitive. You’ve been warned.

reddit and 4chan

reddit and 4chan

pants shirt

rustle crow

reddit and 4chan

T-shirt prices range from $19 to $20-ish. Not too bad for something that would certainly get you eyeballs. Good or bad, that’s for you to find out.

If you’re in for something a little more, say, sedate, check out these wax figures.