Tabletop Gamers, Watch Out for Roll20 for iPad and Android

roll20 tabletop app

Tabletop Gamers, Watch Out for Roll20 for iPad and Android

roll20 tabletop app
Hey you, tabletop gamer who doesn’t always have time to go to face-to-face gaming sessions. Yes, you! The guys of Roll20 has something for you.

They’re coming out with a Roll20 app for the iPad and Android tablets, making it easy for tabletop gamers to play to their hearts’ content, thanks to the creatively geeky use of technology.

According to the guys behind Roll20, their goal has always been to “create the best experience for playing tabletop games online when you couldn’t get together in person. We’ve always focused on bringing the physical table to your remote games, replicate the classic experience whenever possible. At the same time we’ve endeavored to take advantage of all the awesome enhancements that digital gameplay can offer, such as faster rolling via our easy-to-use Character Sheets, advanced communication via chat, and limitless customization via our comprehensive API.

Now, they’re taking things to a new level with the Roll20 app.

The good thing about the app is that it can be used to play a variety of tabletop games both offline and online.

If you have the time to go to your weekly (or monthly) tabletop sessions, then everyone who has the app can use it to enhance the gaming experience with character sheets, chat features, and dice (even 3D!).

If you can’t go out for some reason, you can set up an online game with your peers.

Roll20 Tabletop App Sneak Preview

So what do you think? Will the Roll20 app change your tabletop gaming life?


Related read: Don’t Know What to Play? There’s a Videogame Flowchart for That!