Steve Urkel Enters the Weed Business With ItsPURPL

Steve Urkel Enters the Weed Business With ItsPURPL

Steve Urkel (full name Steven Quincy Urkel) was the epitome of a geek for a generation of kids/teens, thanks to Family Matters. While we know that geekdom has evolved since then, for some of us, Urkel will always and forever be OG.

Perhaps you’ve even wondered where he is now – well, the actor Jaleel White. He’s gone a long way since his Urkel days, and now, he has entered the marijuana sector as a legit businessman. Building upon his brand, Steve Urkel, Jaleel White is calling his business ItsPURPL, a line which will feature a range of variants of Purple Urkle: A California strain, the origins are believed to stem from a select phenotype of Mendocino Purps, while the essence is a blend of skunk, berry, and fresh grapes. Consumers report the effects to be deeply relaxing, sleep-inducing, and a great option for full-body pain relief. The short onset of effects make it a perfect nighttime strain for those who suffer from insomnia.

steve urkel marijuana business

The actor has long been an advocate for marijuana. The decision to enter the business was not done overnight, but has a rather quirky backstory – Urkel style.

For over 20 years, friends and family have sent me photos of my TV character self plastered across a wide range of cannabis products. The best part: everyone always thinks they’re the first…“Dude have you seen this? You have your own weed!” From eighth jars to rolling trays to rap song mentions, Purple Urkle and I have lived apart like fraternal twins separated at birth.

“Hey? That’s my face!” Did I grow that? No. But I sure wish I did.

A chance encounter in a plane with Brad Melshenker, founder of 710 labs, was the start of something concrete for the actor. In 710 labs, a popular marijuana dispensary, Jaleel White found a partner who had the same values and beliefs.
Stay tuned for more of ItsPURPL soon.