The Vincross HEXA Is the Robot for Brown Thumbs

The Vincross HEXA Is the Robot for Brown Thumbs

Are you the kind of person who kills plants no matter how much you take care of them? Then you need the Vincross HEXA to turn the tide.

I’m known as the person who killed a cactus. I know…how the heck can you kill a cactus? I don’t know. It just happened. Not once, but twice. I’ve tried my hand at all sorts of plants – even the sturdiest, most unkillable plants. They all gave up on me.

If you’re just like me, then you’ll be happy (maybe) to see this little creature who might just help you keep a plant alive.

Vincross HEXA

The Vincross HEXA is a prime example of how robotics can make a positive impact on our lives – down to the smallest details. Never mind that some may see it as overengineering a problem. The robot is a little creepy (though that is subjective), but if it keeps a plant alive, I’m all for it!

The six-legged robot has got one job to do – and it does it well: give the plant enough exposure to sunlight.

via Gfycat

Now, all you have to do is make sure the robot is situated so that it can do its job. Simple, no?

Get your HEXA here.