Watch Count Von Count Count Pi to 10,000 Places

Count Von Count pi

Watch Count Von Count Count Pi to 10,000 Places

How many places can you count pi? The average person would know 3.1416, and to be honest, that’s probably all you need to know. You might not even need to know that in most cases.

Then again, how can you call yourself a geek without knowing how to count pi to more than 4 places? And, how can it not be cool to count pi for as many more places as you can.

For Count Von Count, it’s easy peasy. He can count pi to 10,000 places without missing a beat. After all, he’s not called Count Von Count for nothing!

If you’re wondering what (or who) the heck I am talking about, then my dear, you’ve missed out on a lot of fun growing up. Count Von Count of Sesame Street has taught countless children how to count in his own quirky way, and now, he can teach you how to count pi to 10,000 places.

If you survive without going batty, then you’ve earned all the geed cred you can earn this year.

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