Dual Laser Iron Man Glove Is for Real

Dual Laser Iron Man Glove Is for Real

Dual Laser Iron Man Glove

Who’s your favorite Marvel superhero? Surely many of you will say Iron Man.

While I think that, generally, Marvel superheroes don’t have much depth of character as compared to DC superheroes, it doesn’t mean that the former group doesn’t have its charms.

And when it comes to charm, Iron Man is a notch above the rest. Of course, the fact that Robert Downey Jr. plays him in the movies helps. A lot.

But one has to admit that the character’s genius is way beyond admirable. With creations like Jarvis, well…and then there’s his suit.

While we do have exoskeletons in real life now – albeit “primitive” – Iron Man’s suit is something else. Who hasn’t dreamt of owning and using one?

For most of us, this will probably be just a dream, but for the guys of Laser Gadgets, they are one step closer to reality.

They’ve created a Dual Laser Iron Man Glove, which works. It’s ridiculously amazing, but I won’t go on about it and instead let the video show you.

Envious? Me too.

The good news is that there are “for sale” versions of the Dual Laser Iron Man Glove. Just visit Laser Gadgets to get more information. If you like all things laser, then you’ll have fun viewing all the other products.

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