Exploding Kittens’ Creators Are Back With “Bears vs Babies”

Exploding Kittens’ Creators Are Back With “Bears vs Babies”

bears vs babies featured image

Early in 2015, Kickstarter project “Exploding Kittens” blasted its way into the front page(s) of the internet by setting records – the most funded project and the project with the most backers (and in the early period of the campaign to boot!).

The board game was created by Elan Lee and illustrated Matthew Inman (The Oatmeal) and has since then gone digital.

Now, we’re going to be treated to another game from the team…

Bears vs Babies.

One look at the name and you know this is going to be a hoot.

Bears vs Babies does what it says on the tin – you’ve got monster bears (which you build) to fight just as monstrous babies.

In this day when the PC brigade is ever so watchful, games like these are refreshing.

Understandably, though, it may not be for everyone. The game is labeled NSFW, so you’ve been forewarned.


Looking at the game a little more closely, this is how you play it.

  1. Players sit in a circle and take turns drawing cards.
  2. Players can draw either bears (or other creatures, actually) or babies.
  3. Bears can be built using body parts. They will form your army.
  4. Babies are placed in the middle of the table, forming an army. The goal is for all players to stop the baby army.
  5. There is a Provoke Card, which, when played, provokes the babies, leading them to attack players all at once. If your army is stronger, you get to eat the babies. If your army is weaker, well, you get eaten.

Pro tip: Provoke the babies before other players build a strong army.

I don’t know about you, but this shouts a hilarious game night to me.

As can be expected, the Kickstarter campaign is already funded, but there is still a little more some time left so you can still join in on the fun.