Facebook for Math Nerds

Facebook for Math Nerds

Do you like charts? Graphs? Maybe you’re a math nerd, but who cares about labels anyway?

Now, do you like Facebook? Maybe you don’t. Maybe just a little. Or maybe it’s your life.

Combine a little math nerdism and Facebook, and here is what you get: Facebook for Math Nerds, a video created by Josh Sundquist, a pretty cool dude by the looks of his videos – and his self-description:

Motivational speaker. One legged guy. Terrible rapper.


Check out his video describing Facebook in terms Math nerds will understand, and if you find yourself chuckling along the way, then you’ll know you’re “in”. If you need to refresh your understanding of line graphs, bar graphs, Venn diagrams, and pie charts in order to get what Josh is on about, then let us know and maybe we can help you. (Although, seriously, you have to at least know these things – a robot has already passed the Turing Test, and we need all the brain power we can get!)