How Many Elements Does It Take to Make an iPhone?

How Many Elements Does It Take to Make an iPhone?


Seventy-five. Yup. 75.

And we’re talking about real elements here, folks. You know, the kind that you see (and have to memorize if you’re taking Chemistry classes) on the Periodic Table.

Not impressed?

Think about it this way. The human body in all its wondrous glory has 60 elements. Your iPhone – as magical as it is – still has got nothing on this mortal body of ours, and yet it has 15 more elements. 

On the one hand, it is pretty cool. Who would have thought that you hold so many elements when you text, make a call, or read websites (especially considering there are only 118 elements). Oh, hey! You are holding 75 elements right now if you’re using your iPhone!

On the other hand, it’s a tad depressing if you go deeper into things by watching the video below.

It talks about the different elements used in making the iPhone (amongst other electronics, actually) and the effects of the whole process.

There’s the inevitable renewable resources argument – electronics use rare earth minerals such as europium, gadolinium, terbium, and yttrium. These elements are – as the adjective says – not common and can only be mined in certain parts of the world.

There is also the social/human rights aspect, which has been a problem associated with mining perhaps for as long as it has been practiced.

Does that make you feel a bit weird about going through many cell phones and tablets?