Go Back to Skyrim With This Skyrim Board Game

skyrim the board game

Go Back to Skyrim With This Skyrim Board Game

The Skyrim franchise is one of the most popular and well-loved in the gaming world, and The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is one of the best-selling games ever. You may have spent literally countless hours on finishing (or at least trying to) the video game, and you may not be feeling like putting in all that effort again. As much as you love it.

Here’s something for you — a Skyrim board game. Something that will take you and your friends back to that wonderful, albeit drab, world.

skyrim the board game

Its full title is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – The Adventure Game, and it can keep you company when you are alone, as well as make things livelier for a group of two to four.

The Skyrim board game, much like the video game, involves hundreds of game hours. You can select your hero, travel across the Holds, attempt evolving narrative quests, fight dangerous foes, and upgrade your hero & gear.

It plays out chapter by chapter, and there is also an interactive element that changes the outcomes depending on the choices you make. A reason why you have got hundreds of hours of gameplay.

The game is on the Gamefound crowdsourcing platform, and you can back it now.

Want to know more? Take a look at what’s in store: